TV programs

How did Jorick and Clotaire manage to make the Top Chef 2024 finale anything but stressful?

By Camille Lacroix , on 5 October 2024 — m6, The world of TOP CHEF - 2 minutes to read

Have you ever wondered how Jorick and Clotaire managed to transform the Top Chef 2024 finale into an exciting moment without the slightest stress? Follow me to discover the secrets of these two exceptional culinary talents.

Surprisingly, the finale of Top Chef 2024 didn’t look like a duel of the titans in the kitchen. Instead, Jorick Dorignac and Clotaire Poirier created an atmosphere worthy of a meeting between friends. Jorick explains that their main objective was to have a great day cooking while maintaining a competitive but respectful spirit. Clotaire shares the same opinion, comparing the day to a “group of friends, all together, making food”.

Clotaire’s return to the quarter-finals as winner of the hidden brigade was a highlight. Jorick admits to being a little annoyed at first, but his joy was palpable when he saw Clotaire come back with a big smile. This return was kept secret, forcing Clotaire to lie to his friends to maintain suspense. It was difficult for him, but necessary to maintain the surprise.

During this intense day of cooking, the absence of stress was notable. Jorick specifies that there was no major stress, which even surprised Stéphane Rotenberg, the presenter. In fifteen years, it was the first time he had seen candidates so relaxed after 10 hours of cooking. This calm was shared by their respective brigade leaders, Pierre Gagnaire for Clotaire and Stéphanie Le Quellec for Jorick.

Pierre Gagnaire, participating for the first time as brigade leader, and Stéphanie Le Quellec saluted the new generation of chefs for their commitment and their positive attitude. Clotaire emphasizes the importance of the energy that the chef brings to his brigade. A leader must know how to manage his colleagues so that they are relaxed and enjoy to work.

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Camille Lacroix

Camille, âgée de 28 ans, est une véritable passionnée des émissions TV et de la téléréalité. Résidant à Paris, elle apporte une touche d'authenticité et de dynamisme à chaque article qu'elle rédige. Curieuse et sociable, Camille adore décortiquer les dessous des émissions et partager les moments les plus marquants avec ses lecteurs. Avec un background en journalisme et une expérience significative dans l'univers médiatique, elle sait captiver son audience grâce à ses analyses pertinentes et son ton engageant. Son principal atout est sa capacité à créer une connexion avec les lecteurs, les invitant à vivre chaque émission comme si c'était la première fois.

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