TV programs

France 2 announces the rebirth of “Intervilles” with a new concept on a global scale

By Camille Lacroix , on 5 October 2024 , updated on 5 October 2024 — France 2, Intercity - 3 minutes to read

Those nostalgic for game shows can rejoice! France 2 is preparing to revive the iconic show “Intercity”, expected for summer 2023.

With a carefully orchestrated return, the cult show promises to revive the spirit of competition between our French cities.

But this return will not happen without an element of novelty. In a world where animal welfare is becoming increasingly important, expect unique concept which could well rhyme tradition with modernity.

“Intercity” has been anchored in the French audiovisual landscape for decades. A game where the two cities face off through entertaining and often crazy events.

This success did not happen by chance. Beyond simple entertainment, the show has always been able to bring residents together around a spirit of friendly rivalry.

It was a real social phenomenon, which now promises to return in a new light.

Fundamental changes announced

In order to meet the contemporary expectations of our society, France 2 has decided to make major adjustments.

One of the most notable changes will be theabsence of cows, an emblematic activity of the show. This decision, motivated by animal ethics, marks a turning point in the very design of the game.

The producers still promise such fun events as creative to replace this symbol of the past.

A new host for a new edition

Nagui, a key figure at France Télévisions, will be at the helm of this revitalization. Its presence ensures continuity while injecting a touch of modernity.

With his charisma and humor, he has the potential to revive the magic of “Intercity” while captivating young viewers.

A major challenge that could well redefine the show for a new generation.

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The unbearable wait of the fans

The decision to relaunch “Intercity” aroused the enthusiasm of the fans, but also a certain impatience. The promise of an interactive game, where interaction with the public can play a key role, adds a new dimension to the concept.

Viewers are wondering about the new events and the chosen format.

There rivalry between cities will it always be as tangible? The reunion promises to be full of surprises and intensely competitive.

The rebirth of “Intercity” by France 2 foreshadows a new page in the history of televised games in France. It remains to be seen whether this evolution will appeal to both old and new fans. What do you think of this overhaul, and are you impatient to return to this game that rocked so many summers?

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Camille Lacroix

Camille, âgée de 28 ans, est une véritable passionnée des émissions TV et de la téléréalité. Résidant à Paris, elle apporte une touche d'authenticité et de dynamisme à chaque article qu'elle rédige. Curieuse et sociable, Camille adore décortiquer les dessous des émissions et partager les moments les plus marquants avec ses lecteurs. Avec un background en journalisme et une expérience significative dans l'univers médiatique, elle sait captiver son audience grâce à ses analyses pertinentes et son ton engageant. Son principal atout est sa capacité à créer une connexion avec les lecteurs, les invitant à vivre chaque émission comme si c'était la première fois.

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