noir comme neige france 2

Black as snow: success continues for the TV film with Laurent Gerra

By Julien Lamentière , on 5 October 2024 , updated on 5 October 2024 — Black as Snow, France 2, Laurent Gerra - 3 minutes to read

The France 2 channel is proud of the success of its detective TV film Black as snow, worn by actor and comedian Laurent Gerra. The rebroadcast of the film captivated millions of viewers, showing the French public’s interest in detective stories. The TV film saw a significant increase in audience scores compared to the previous week, allowing France 2 to position itself in second place.

A great audience success

Monday October 16, the first episode of the TV movie Black as snow was followed by 4.2 million fans, either 19.3% of the public in front of the television, according to Médiamétrie. This performance allowed France 2 to take second place in terms of audience behind M6 which broadcast another very popular program, L’amour est dans le pré, which attracted more than 4.1 million viewers. The second part of Black as Snow also performed well since it retained 4 million spectators.

The power of the thriller

The craze for detective stories has been part of the DNA of French culture for several decades. The popularity of the genre among the public is no coincidence. Suspense, unexpected twists and surprising revelations are all ingredients that have the power to captivate viewers and keep them in suspense for the duration of the film or series.

  • The suspense: Mysteries are generally built around a mystery to be solved, such as a murder, a kidnapping or theft. These situations highlight the unpredictable and mysterious nature of the crime world, creating constant tension for viewers wondering what will happen next.
  • Unexpected twists and turns: In every good thriller, there are twists and turns that shake up the plot and surprise the audience. These reversals keep viewers interested and help keep the story gripping until the end.
  • The surprising revelations: When a crime is solved, it is often the result of a careful and rigorous investigation carried out by law enforcement and/or private detectives. The clues and evidence that incriminate a suspect can be spectacular and sometimes involve unsuspected characters, arousing the astonishment or even amazement of the public.
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Laurent Gerra, a versatile actor

The success of Black as snow also owes a lot to the performance of the main actor, Laurent Gerra. Known for his talent as a comedian and imitator, he ventured into the world of detective TV films brilliantly, embodying with conviction the central character of the investigation.

Laurent Gerra thus proves that he is capable of standing out both in the comic and dramatic registers, displaying an astonishing artistic versatility. His performance in Black as snow was praised by critics, thus contributing to the success of the TV film with French audiences.

A possible sequel?

Given the success of the first two episodes of Black as snow, the question of a possible sequel naturally arises. The public would probably be delighted to find Laurent Gerra in other thrilling investigations, further exploring the world of French crime fiction.

However, no confirmation has yet been given regarding the production of a sequel. We will therefore have to wait to find out if we will have the opportunity to follow other exciting adventures featuring the star actor of the TV film, Laurent Gerra.

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Julien Lamentière

Julien Lamentière

Je suis un grand fan de séries TV, de films et de cinéma en général. Ma série préférée est Breaking Bad et j'adore les séries humoristiques. Venez découvrir mes critiques et mes recommandations.

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