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TV series

An element of “Cat’s Eyes” on TF1 will appeal to die-hard fans of the manga

By Camille Lacroix , on 14 November 2024 — TF1 - 3 minutes to read

For all those who are longing for classic Japanese cartoons, here is some news that will make you want to reach for your remote control: “Cat’s Eyes” is back! This “live-action” adaptation of the famous manga by Tsukasa Hōjō lands on TF1, ready to make you relive unforgettable moments, while keeping a few surprises in store for you. Stay with me, you won’t be disappointed.

A museum of the 80s in music

The soundtrack of this new series could well be one of its major assets. The credits, performed by Anne Sila, revives memories for loyal TF1 viewers. Hearing the melodies of the 80s, you could almost feel the scent of memories rising to the surface. Remember the words, “Girls of today, Children of fitness”, does this mean nothing to you? Obviously, it’s a lovely nod for those of you who cherish the original. However, is this enough to convince newcomers? Maybe not.

Paris and its glitter

In this modernized version, the three Chamade sisters, Sylia, Tam and Alex, travel Paris like a nighttime playground. The visual aspect of the series, with its sumptuous settings like the Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles, adds a special charm. But, let’s dive a little deeper into reality: despite a substantial budget of 25 million euros, the stunts seem to lack flavor, which could disappoint adrenaline aficionados. And although the streets of Belleville offer a particular atmosphere, is this really enough to compensate for dialogues which, unfortunately, sometimes fall flat?

A nod to purists

Nostalgic fans may find comfort in the director’s efforts Alexandre Laurent to keep the essence of the 80s alive. Iconic pieces like “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” bring authentic energy. The stakes are high: will they manage to captivate both historical fans and a contemporary audience? Not easy when the gap between high expectations and the final result is felt.

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A welcome return, but perfectible

As for the storyline, the plots of the thieving sisters have been transformed to better fit the current era. However, despite laudable efforts to include modern themes, the lack of spicy humor, a trademark of the original series, could lose more than one along the way. The creator, Michael Catz, makes a childhood dream come true here. But be careful, dear readers, the dream does not always live up to reality.

And you, dear lovers of Cat’s Eyes, what will you think of this new version? Are you one of those who indulge in nostalgia, or are you looking for the authenticity of the original manga at all costs? Everything remains to be seen!

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Camille Lacroix

Camille, âgée de 28 ans, est une véritable passionnée des émissions TV et de la téléréalité. Résidant à Paris, elle apporte une touche d'authenticité et de dynamisme à chaque article qu'elle rédige. Curieuse et sociable, Camille adore décortiquer les dessous des émissions et partager les moments les plus marquants avec ses lecteurs. Avec un background en journalisme et une expérience significative dans l'univers médiatique, elle sait captiver son audience grâce à ses analyses pertinentes et son ton engageant. Son principal atout est sa capacité à créer une connexion avec les lecteurs, les invitant à vivre chaque émission comme si c'était la première fois.

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